Public Art

Maria Banda Memorial by Akira Ohiso

NE 125th Street & 28th Ave NE

The inspiration for this art project is to memorialize a beloved member of the Lake City Senior Center, Maria Banda, whom a hit-and-run driver killed in 2019. Her passing hastened the installation of a crosswalk and pedestrian traffic signal proposed by the community to improve pedestrian safety. The art depicts Maria providing a safe passage for future pedestrians across NE 125th Street. In Maria’s Mexican culture, marigold flowers symbolize “grief” traditionally displayed during religious ceremonies and Día de los Muertos.

The project was funded by the Raynier Foundation and the Rotary Club of Seattle NE. Thank you for your generous support in bringing awareness to pedestrian safety. A special thanks to Lake City art instigator Mark Mendez who continues to bring local art to the streets of Lake City.